
September 14, 2017

The strategy in social networks for media

The New York Times has long lived as the strategy in social networks, articulated in a couple of words, namely: Don’t be a moron or “don’t be an idiot”. Is that enough for success in social networks or if not, why not?

I don’t really understand this sentence. A strategy should be formulated in such terms that it is easily transformed to a set of tactical decisions. For example, “We want to be controversial” is for me a clear strategy. It follows from this that you should probably work with the current agenda. Situational marketing will help in this situation. Working out the most ambiguous of reasons. Well, stuff. And the phrase about not being an idiot — she what? Don’t understand.

Image result for social networks for media

Well here are the latest high-profile social media fails (Saperavi and Aviasales) disregard for the principle of “don’t be an idiot”? By the way, you these cases the fail you think?

History of Saperavi and Avitals differ fundamentally. In one case — in the sense of Saperavi — the tone, the message and other parameters of media events differed from the image of the company dramatically. A restaurant claiming to be tasty, good Georgian places in Moscow now is, first and foremost, a place of calm, unhurried but attentive service and mutual respect. With all these parameters in this case were publicly violated. Instead of relief of negative, which was made literally one post, he threw a storm in a glass.

It was absolutely standard case. Prior to this they were jokes about Putin in Panama or pseudo self-negotiating Bulk. They service and their image didn’t suffer from it. Roughly speaking, if we measure the brand value in a particular classroom group, of course, in the group of social justice warriors in Facebook observed a probable outflow, but the special impact it has on monetary indicators. In addition, let me remind you that at different times these same people on Facebook tried to boycott a lot of things. Well, the success of all these boycotts you can judge for yourself.

It is important to understand that in the case a decision on the development of the conflict taken by the owner, who is free to define the image of your company. And he is choosing escalation, deliberately and consistently followed this strategy. While with Saperavi control of the conflict was obviously lost.

Can the picture to “sell” any of the content? To make even uninteresting news appealing to your audience? And honestly if it’s relevant to the audience?

There is a saying attributed to different institutions — from Google and Viacom to bill gates personally, content is king. That is, content rules. The belief of marketers that have sufficient budget, you can even sell shit, I, for one, very frustrating. Because shit remains shit, no matter how many times show to the consumer.

Further, the question about honesty. You shouldn’t take the audience for idiots. This is the second curse of modern marketers who see the end user as something rodolpho. Perhaps this is because of the books. Perhaps because of the intellectual limitations themselves marketers. Anyway, the user will understand himself, how he is interested in particular content. The task pick — just like any other advertising is to attract consumer attention to the product. Not to get to read, not force him to shove something in my mouth, and to attract attention. This is a very important difference.

Should edition to use specially trained people to publish in social networks or every journalist should be a little academic (BRR)?

The journalist in the modern world is a bunch of examinations. It needs to be a writer, and blogger, and photographer, and streamers. Life is so arranged — work with media, whether it is good to know, and be able to understand how these media work. This is the first.

Second, about the “BRR”. The market for digital marketing is quite turbulent. Yes, SMM began with the fact that they are doing almost the students for ridiculous money. Doing so, how can to engage students. Now comes the understanding that good experts are expensive. So do not say ugh.

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Finally, answering the question: is the decision of the chief editor. Roughly speaking, if it considers that the desired distribution Department, then you will need specially trained people who will do this work. If he believes that every journalist is responsible for his text, not only to editors but to readers, the option with all smile great.

In short, that can give your online course a reporter? Editor-in-chief? To the publisher? Or is it still more for business owners?

Our course is useful to all. The journalist needs to understand in SMM, because of social networking site its readers. Editor-in-chief needs to understand in SMM for the same reason, and no worse for journalists. Publisher it is important to understand how to optimize social networks. Well, about the business and say nothing. In General, we had a great introductory lecture, you could see we’re talking about these questions there said. For example, that the penetration of the Internet is that, whether you like it or not, but the social network is almost synonymous with digital.

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