
May 10, 2017

How new media has changed journalism Part 2

In principle, it exists. One in a million. But the task of the edition is to attract and nurture the hundreds of people who will not meet the full set of features of an ideal involved user. The share of any of the traffic sources must not be more than 15-20%.

In any case cannot be hooked on “needle” even the most respectable source, as this makes the position of the media unprotected. Dangerous and short-sighted opposition, the cold war or just mutual estrangement editorial and marketing/production departments.

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Only full interaction and work with each other ensure the overall success of the publication is with the understanding that advantageous to advance only a unique and popular in the right place at the right time on the content and format of the content, and, conversely, the most brilliant and timely material can be read only a couple of dozen relatives and friends of the author without proper and smart promotion.

In 2012 Warren Buffett, whose company Berkshire Hathaway owned one newspaper, The Buffalo News, has bought more than 25 local dailies.

He suggested that news is what the reader, that not suggesting, wants to know. Therefore, the cause of mediocrities not that the newspaper product has lost relevance, and the inability (not insurmountable) to find an effective business model. The distribution of the sponsorship amounts in the budget while crowdfunding is usually subject to the Pareto rule — 20% of sponsors 80% of the funds.

In other words, collective financing, that put the media into financial dependence on the three or four people or organizations. Another disadvantage of crowdfunding is its obedience to the economic law of diminishing returns. Crowdfunding is bad masturbate, the regular repetition of the campaign brings less tools; not provided by the increase in income multiples, or at least proportional to the increase in the frequency.

In 80% of cases materials edition do not help the user to make decisions, but only to entertain him. Note: in all surveys and in focus groups 80% of users will say the opposite. All media formats in this sense only help to achieve this effect, but never become an end in itself.

“I made an infographic”, “We published a timeline”, “I got a great slideshow”, “On our website you can find interactive movies” is not a reason for pride, not a way to break away from competitors in the information field. Please note, if your version is often pronounced the phrase, it is a sure sign that the format, the technology has a higher priority than the content of the stories.

The format helps the meaning to be told. The format itself has no value. Unfortunately, many editors do not task facing journalist: “Do material about young entrepreneurs”. In this case, the responsibility for the selection of the target audience for the choice of the topic and focus of a multimedia project lies entirely on the journalist.

In addition to the resources you need to pay special attention to the appropriateness of a specific format.

For all the appeal of video with quadcopters is unlikely to place in the stories that are emerging for regions with low bandwidth of Internet users do not appreciate all the beauty, because the video will load for too long.

The media first started talking about “longride” at the end of 2012.

On the website of The New York Times appeared multimedia material, which is very different from what was previously the online edition of the famous American calendar. The creation of this multimedia, the works the editors spent about nine months. It was extremely labor intensive and expensive process, as programmers have created a web page from scratch. The efforts of the editorial Board of The New York Times has not gone unnoticed. Immediately after his appearance “Snowfall” is a sensation and attracted more than 3.5 million views in the first few months after publication. Many talked about the fact that The New York Times sets new standards in digital journalism and have determined that should look like a media material of the future.

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In longride should bet only on good work and not on external technical elements.

The argument “first, it’s beautiful” doesn’t always work. Journalist should first of all think about the combination of quality content and quality format. The work of the journalist — article, photograph, telecast, live broadcast — will only become valid when the product has reached the mass market.

“Networking the future” quite clearly predefined.

In the future, five or ten years of the existence of print media will eventually become economically meaningless (cost of maintaining the production of the means of production — printing machines, paper, logistics and retail organizations go beyond the capabilities of the media capital even with the direct support of the state).

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